

Mission Statement And Student Learning Outcomes


In keeping with the Jesuit philosophy of Cura Personalis, the Center for Health Education and Wellness (CHEW) strives to build a healthier campus community through the promotion of wellness in mind, body, and spirit. By offering a variety of health and wellness resources and programs we encourage and support students, faculty and staff as they gain knowledge, practice skills, and form habits to lead healthy and balanced lifestyles


Expected Student Learning Outcomes:

Peer Health Educators

Peer educators will develop leadership and communication skills while positively affecting others by teaching new information, changing an attitude, motivating a positive behavior change, or confronting or challenging a risky behavior.

Performance Indicators:

  • Peer health educator bi-weekly engagement form
  • Participant evaluation form

Students Who Attend Peer Educator Programs

As a result of the activities and programs provided by peer educators and CHEW staff, students who attend programs will improve their commitment to wellness.

Performance Indicators:

  • Relevant survey questions
  • Participant evaluation form

Students and Alcohol Prevention

As a result of activities and services provided for alcohol prevention, students will understand the harmful effects of alcohol on self, others, and community.

Performance Indicators:

  • Relevant survey questions
  • Royal TAPS evaluations
  • Viewpoints evaluations
  • Late Night Programming evaluations

Harm Reduction Strategies

As a result of activities services provided for alcohol prevention, students will improve their commitment to harm reduction strategies

Performance Indicators:

  • Viewpoints evaluations
  • CHOICES evaluations
  • Late Night Programming evaluations
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