
Why Join Psi Chi?

1.  You will receive recognition for academic excellence in psychology, an honor that will be noted on employment and graduate school applications.        

2.  Over $500,000 in grants are available annually (including travel grants!) for undergraduates and chapters.           

3.  All members receive free email access to Eye on Psi Chi, a magazine that provides articles about psychology, employment, graduate school, and careers.

4.  Involvement with a chapter promotes major advantages. 

  • Leadership -- You can gain leadership experiences that last a lifetime; consider running for an officer position. 
  • Friendships -- A strong sense of community is created through chapter and activities with fellow students and faculty.
  • Personalized Education -- Learn outside of the classroom through closer relationships with professors who involve students in research projects and write letters of recommendation. 

5.  Regional, national, and international psychology conventions allow you to   

  • gain research presentation experiences;    
  • attend educational programming about psychology and careers; and
  • meet leading psychologists, students, and officers from other chapters.

6.  Psi Chi’s online store allows you to purchase graduation regalia, supplies, and more to display your Psi Chi pride.

7.  All Psi Chi memberships are for life! In fact, psichi.org includes a login account to keep you connected to the organization after you graduate.

8.  A membership certificate is given to all members to recognize the honor.

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